Who is Dumb Code?
Who is Dumb Code?
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Dumb Code is me. I'm a former C# developer. My other former roles include full stack Sencha ExtJS/ColdFusion project lead, tier 3 tech support, and produce associate. I'm far from the world's best programmer, but I'm naturally curious and love to learn new things. So, I'm always interested in picking up new knowledge, tech related or not.

What do I do when I'm not coding?
What do I do when I'm not coding?

I think it's not very unique to say, but I enjoy video games, movies, TV and music. But, I also like repairing and refurbishing video consoles and equipment, modifying and racing cars, and skateboarding, just to name a few other activities. I'm also a fan of game design and making games, however it's not something I tend to get to spend a significant amount of time on unfortunately.

Outside of coding, what to expect from blog posts?
Outside of coding, what to expect from blog posts?

Information-wise, I'll probably stick to programming. But, I have been known to dabble in security, hacking, and automation. Working help desk taught me how to automate tasks to make my work easier, and that's what really kicked off my career with programming. So, expect to see some batch and powershell scripting come up at some point. I've also made IT/development my career for the last 10 years. I'm not opposed to sharing experiences that I think may help someone who is just starting out, or trying to advance their career. I'm still trying to advance my career as well, so I'll always be looking at new information to help out with that.

Most importantly, I want to have fun! Blog posts are going to get corny, and weird, and all sorts of referential, but at the end of the day I hope at least one person learns something new from them, even if that one person is myself.

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